Trump, Brexit & the Politics of Hate


Candidate Donald Trump speaks at press conferenceDonald Trump applauded the vote for Brexit when he landed in Scotland the day after the UK voted to leave the European Union.  By now, he knows, or should know, just how ugly things got for minorities in the UK after the vote. And how hate crimes surged 42%. Continue reading “Trump, Brexit & the Politics of Hate”

Snowball in a Blizzard: A Review

51riWuvb81L._SX329_BO1,204,203,200_Why I Love This Book — but can’t recommend it to my women friends.


I would like to know where Dr. Steven Hatch hangs out so that I could go there and kiss the ground he walks on.

Dr. Hatch is the author of Snowball in a Blizzard (Basic Books),  a book which addresses the problem of “uncertainty” and “haziness” in medicine. He writes that despite the great advances in science and technology, and even with access to the most complex diagnostic tools, medicine can still be a bit hit-and–miss because “a diagnosis is, much more often than not, a conjecture, and a prognosis is typically less certain than that.” Continue reading “Snowball in a Blizzard: A Review”