When Your Characters Take Control of Your Novel (Behind the Scenes#3)

Crumple Paper, Notebook And Pen With Cup Of CoffeeBehind the Scenes is a series of occasional posts about my efforts to write a new thriller (working title, Book 3) and about the challenges, setbacks — and perks — of returning to a writing life. Today, the second of two parts from Robert McKee’s Story seminar: How and Why Your Characters Take Control of Your Novel — And What It Really Means 

If you talk to (or read the blogs of) enough authors, pretty soon you’ll find one or two, or a dozen who will swear that their characters make the decisions as to the plotting of their novels. I never believed in this type of literary hijacking – until it happened to me, and I was able to weave in an entire subplot into Book 3 as a result.

But it wasn’t until story guru, Robert Mckee explained the phenomenon that I understood what had happened. Continue reading “When Your Characters Take Control of Your Novel (Behind the Scenes#3)”