News Squib#15 – A High for the Holidays

It’s Squib Saturday. Time to share the best, most interesting (or most entertaining, or most outrageous) tidbit of information I’ve gleaned from all the stuff I’ve read –or done– this week. Today: Brave New Weedthe perfect book gift for anyone who ever wanted to smoke a joint– and now lives in (or is visiting) a state where it’s legal.


Joe Dolce, the author of this terrific tome, subtitled Adventures into the Uncharted World of Cannabis, begins by setting out the conundrum which has perplexed me (a Sixties flower child who once enjoyed hard liquor and tobacco) and those members of my generation who have for decades resisted lighting up a joint.

Namely: “If pot is as benign as its adherents claim, and such a miraculous and versatile medicine on top of that, how did it acquire such a bad rap?” Continue reading “News Squib#15 – A High for the Holidays”

News Squib#5 – Down Memory Lane with Paula Hawkins

Extra News TodayIt’s Squib Saturday. Time to share the best, most interesting (or most entertaining, or most outrageous) tidbit of information I’ve gleaned from all the stuff I’ve read this week. Today: Author of “The Girl on the Train” Admits to Low-Brow Taste in Books as a Child 


the_girl_on_the_trainI was happy to read recently that Paula Hawkins, the British best-selling thriller author of The Girl on the Train, and I  shared a guilty pleasure as children. With the U.S. opening of the movie based on the book a week ago, the New York Times commemorated the occasion by featuring Paula in its By the Book segment. When asked what kind of reader she was as a child, Paula replied, “Not a particularly high-brow one. I read a great deal of Enid Blyton.” Continue reading “News Squib#5 – Down Memory Lane with Paula Hawkins”

Snowball in a Blizzard: A Review

51riWuvb81L._SX329_BO1,204,203,200_Why I Love This Book — but can’t recommend it to my women friends.


I would like to know where Dr. Steven Hatch hangs out so that I could go there and kiss the ground he walks on.

Dr. Hatch is the author of Snowball in a Blizzard (Basic Books),  a book which addresses the problem of “uncertainty” and “haziness” in medicine. He writes that despite the great advances in science and technology, and even with access to the most complex diagnostic tools, medicine can still be a bit hit-and–miss because “a diagnosis is, much more often than not, a conjecture, and a prognosis is typically less certain than that.” Continue reading “Snowball in a Blizzard: A Review”

One Woman : The Book


Attachment-1I just finished reading Marilyn Murray Willison’s nifty memoir titled, “One Woman, Four Decades, Eight Wishes.”  I met Marilyn, a fellow author-journalist a couple of weeks ago at a lunch of the Palm Beach Writers’ Group.  Author Cathy Helowicz, who organized the lunch at the Pavilion Room in the Chesterfield Hotel, introduced us because she thought we’d find a lot in common. She was right. Continue reading “One Woman : The Book”