If You Could Turn Back Time To Pre-Internet Days, Would You?

Invitation to author event

I’ve been thinking, since last week, about the idea of turning back time to when there was no internet, and no smart phones, or Alexas or Siris. As I blogged back then, I’ve been a whirlwind of activity in cyberspace since I finished writing and editing my new thriller, Fool Her Once.

Even my husband, Joe, has remarked on it: “I don’t remember you having to do all this marketing and sales work after you finished writing your first  two books.” Continue reading “If You Could Turn Back Time To Pre-Internet Days, Would You?”

Book Signings Here I Come!

I got quite the loveliest Christmas present from my stepson, Sean, this year. It’s a Waterman fountain pen. Yes! A fountain pen — with a gold nib; a pen that uses real ink cartridges.  It came in a white box on which Sean wrote: “Happy Book Signings!” Continue reading “Book Signings Here I Come!”

More Good News For Fool Her Once–But It Has To Wait

More praise for my new thriller, Fool Her Once is coming in: author blurbs/endorsements are arriving; so are early reviews from book club members who received Advanced Review Copies from my publisher, CamCat Books. Continue reading “More Good News For Fool Her Once–But It Has To Wait”

Why Neary’s Restaurant Had To Be In My Thriller

Neary’s, a legendary Irish pub — frequented by mayors, politicians, police commissioners, cardinals, writers and other celebrities– made headlines this month when Jimmy Neary, its owner and founder passed away at the age of 91. The restaurant opened on Manhattan’s 57th Street on St.Patrick’s Day in 1967. Almost as well-known as the celebrities who dined at Neary’s, Jimmy was still working at his restaurant until the day he died.

Neary’s on 57th Street near First Avenue, Manhattan

Regular readers of this blog may recognize the name of the restaurant since, entirely coincidentally, it appeared last week in a published excerpt from my new thriller Fool Her Once. The excerpt together with the cover reveal was featured on the Criminal Element website and in its weekly newsletter. Continue reading “Why Neary’s Restaurant Had To Be In My Thriller”

Social Media (Sometimes) Works: This Is How It Worked For Me

Karen Villarreal, Artist and Animator

Sometimes social media works the way it was once supposed to. Remember the days when Facebook and My Space were all about reconnecting us with long-lost family and friends? No? I thought not. But it’s what happened to me recently.

Karen Villarreal, an enormously talented artist friend whom I met decades ago when our husbands worked together was looking for me. She found me through googling and eventually landing on my Twitter page where she recognized my avatar. Continue reading “Social Media (Sometimes) Works: This Is How It Worked For Me”