When Your Swashbuckling Hero Fails You: And, I Don’t Mean in Fiction

Like countless kids in the 1970s, Margaret Sullivan decided to become a reporter because of the breathtaking — and breathless– coverage of the Watergate scandal in the pages of the Washington Post.

She was barely a teenager, when Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein chronicled the corruption in the Nixon administration and its cover-up. So, it wasn’t till the 1976 movie, All The President’s Men, that, she says, “journalism began to look downright fascinating.” And, “glamorous,” she adds in her new book, Newsroom Confidential: Lessons (and Worries) from An Ink-Stained Life. Continue reading “When Your Swashbuckling Hero Fails You: And, I Don’t Mean in Fiction”

Blurbs : Praise For Fool Her Once From Other Authors

One of the most difficult tasks for an author is to go out into the world and ask other authors for blurbs.

Those are the quotes of praise found on the front and back covers of books as well as on an author’s Amazon or Goodreads or BookBub page. Continue reading “Blurbs : Praise For Fool Her Once From Other Authors”

Are You A Writer? English Author Says No If You Don’t Make A Living As One

Just last week, an article from England landed in my inbox. I was struck immediately by the author’s view as to who should and who should not call him/herself a writer.

It’s a thought-provoking article because it is quite contrary to the generally held view here, in the US,  that almost anyone who writes or attempts to write anything is a writer. Or, as one of my favorite author-bloggers, Anne R. Allen, states in this post: “If you go off by yourself at regular intervals to create stuff using words, you’re a writer.” Continue reading “Are You A Writer? English Author Says No If You Don’t Make A Living As One”

Ten Books In Six Years: Unthinkable? One Author Tells How He’s Done It

While I have spent the last six years  writing, re-writing, editing and revising my third thriller, Fool Her Once, author Eldon Farrell has written and published eight full-length novels and two books of short stories set in the world of his full-length novels.

Continue reading “Ten Books In Six Years: Unthinkable? One Author Tells How He’s Done It”

Guest Post : What If My Second Novel Sucks?

If you’re a regular reader of this blog, you may recall that about four years ago, I attended the Algonkian author-mentor workshop in St. Augustine, Florida. There were only eight of us in the workshop. We named ourselves The Gonks and have maintained contact with each other since the workshop, mainly through group email. Continue reading “Guest Post : What If My Second Novel Sucks?”