The Selling of Fool Her Once

Selling my new thriller, Fool Her Once could well be the death of me over the next six weeks. Okay, so maybe that’s a little melodramatic but not by much. Nowadays, traditionally published authors are expected to do almost as much as self-published authors for the marketing of their books.

Most of that work is done on social media. When my first two thrillers  were published there was no internet; no social media. Now, the writing communities on Twitter and Instagram and Tik Tok provide a constant stream of tweets and posts about upcoming publications. Continue reading “The Selling of Fool Her Once”

Blurbs : Praise For Fool Her Once From Other Authors

One of the most difficult tasks for an author is to go out into the world and ask other authors for blurbs.

Those are the quotes of praise found on the front and back covers of books as well as on an author’s Amazon or Goodreads or BookBub page. Continue reading “Blurbs : Praise For Fool Her Once From Other Authors”

What’s Happening With My New Thriller, Fool Her Once? An Update

If anyone thinks that for an author all the hard work stops when you’ve turned in your edits and revisions, think again. I was done with final edits and revisions of Fool Her Once by the end of July. I was ready to relax and enjoy the rest of the summer.

Not so fast. Suddenly there was a whole new set of tasks for me: A slew of sample covers to review; audio samples from which to pick a narrator for the audiobook version of Fool Her Once. Then, there were copy edits to review and page proofs to look through (Twice.) And, acknowledgments to write, and a Q&A with the author (me) to add to the back of the book. Oh, and how about some topics for book club discussions to add into the mix? Continue reading “What’s Happening With My New Thriller, Fool Her Once? An Update”