Sometimes, An Author Has To Take A Break

I came across this rather graphic quote from Truman Capote the other day: “Finishing a book is just like you took a child out in the back yard and shot it.”

Given Capote’s eccentric personality and oft-times dark humor, I wasn’t quite sure whether he meant he was ecstatic when he finished writing a book, or totally despondent.

No matter. I’m not likely to experience either emotion in the very near future as a result of finishing my thriller, Book3, because unlike another icon of American literature, Stephen King, I do not write during the holidays. At least, I didn’t write over the last holiday– even though I don’t celebrate either Easter or Passover. Instead, I took days off for both, and this is how my holiday break shaped up:

Holiday Guests


Son Daniel and his partner Adrienne were able to get away for a couple of days to visit, and the weather co-operated gloriously.

Back to Snow in New York

And to a thermostat malfunction that sent the heat in the house soaring higher than 100 degrees. I have sensors, alarms and cameras that monitor flooding, below-freezing temperatures, open doors and windows, and intruders of the human variety, but nothing that alerts us to temperatures that melt candles (see photo) and kill all your indoor plants.


The first technician who came said : ” I don’t know why that happened, but I’ve fixed it.” For obvious reasons, I was doubtful — and indeed it took a return visit to actually fix the problem.

Light Reading

On the plane, I decided to read something outside of the psychological thriller genre which I read to keep up with the genre in which I’m writing. Instead, I relaxed with Alisyn Camerota’s novel, Amanda Wakes Up. It was a delightful, breezy read that had me laughing out loud. The novel (which will be released in paperback this June) is about a TV reporter who gets a chance to make it in the big leagues as a cable TV news anchor. Reportedly, Camerota, a former Fox News anchor and currently anchor of CNN’s morning show New Day, penned the novel way before the 2016 presidential election.

However, a main character in the book, surprise presidential candidate, Victor Fluke who spouts abhorrent views that Amanda’s fictional TV network is only too willing to air unchallenged does remind the reader of one very real-life political disaster! I give 5-stars to this fictional tell-all about the life of a cable TV news anchor.

Spa Time

Exhausted by “jet-setting” and cramming my feet into big heavy boots (snow on the ground on Long Island!) my first stop back in Florida was for a 50-minute pedicure at The Spa at The Breakers resort.


Love that place! It is so restful, and the lounge has a freezer drawer full of yummy gelatos as well as a super coffee machine that produces cappuccinos, espressos and regular coffee at the touch of one button.

 Almost Back To Work

There was one more date on the social/sports calendar: the last tennis match of the season for The Breakers Ladies’ Team followed by a delicious lunch with Coach Jeanne (pictured with team captain, Vicki) on the veranda of The Flagler Steakhouse in Palm Beach.

Needed the food, and the glass of wine (okay, two glasses) to re-fuel after burning 590 calories in a rather challenging 80-minute court battle — which, unfortunately, we lost. Not a great way to end the season, but you can’t beat the workout! And, it guarantees you return to your desk with fresh perspectives.







5 thoughts on “Sometimes, An Author Has To Take A Break”

    1. Ok. I’m on it, Cathy. It looks interesting, and different from my usual serial killer/Mindhunter interests. Will definitely check it out, although don’t think I’ll have the time to binge watch. Will let you know!

  1. Gotta love time off 🙂 Nice pics Joanna. Don’t take too long off though, I’m waiting on that book of yours 😉

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