When Your Agent Says: Love Your Novel, Now Change It

My husband, Joe, bought these gorgeous roses for me. He thought they would brighten my week as I plowed through another set of edits, revisions and changes.

What! you say. More edits? More revisions? Are you kidding me? Didn’t you just sign with a literary agent? Continue reading “When Your Agent Says: Love Your Novel, Now Change It”

Could You Read 600 Mysteries In A Year? And Pick The Best?

Assuming you love reading and that you love reading mysteries in particular, could you read 600 of them in one year? Could you then select the top five?  The top one? Continue reading “Could You Read 600 Mysteries In A Year? And Pick The Best?”

So, You’ve Finished Writing Your Book. Now What?

You may recall a couple of weeks ago I wrote that I had finished writing my book. I typed “The End” at the bottom of my last chapter and emailed the manuscript to a few trusted beta readers — and to a professional editor.

It felt good to say that I had met my deadline (so as to be able to enjoy a week’s vacation with my British bestie.) But, as any published, or even aspiring, author knows only too well, the real hard work is just about to begin. Continue reading “So, You’ve Finished Writing Your Book. Now What?”