With Apologies To My Son, Dan

Most weeks I write this blog from my viewpoint as an author — or a reader. But as I say in my revamped Welcome page, besides being an author and a reader/lover of books, I am also a journalist, attorney, foodie, wine lover, tennis and golf addict, a bff, and a wife — and mother.  So, occasionally I’ll write a blog while wearing one of these other hats.

Apologies To My Son

This week, I am obliged to write as “mom” because I owe my son, Dan the most abject of apologies, on the record. It stems from something I said in an interview in a widely read website, writingandwellness.com where I was the featured writer. Colleen Story’s fabulous blog covered a lot of ground about me, and you can read the full blog by clicking here.

Taking The Piss

If and/or when you read that blog, you will see one subhead says: “Mom, No-one Reads Your Blog.”  If you read that section, you will probably see that I meant is as a humorous, self-deprecating comment. But, as my son pointed out to me: “Mom, it makes me sound like a jerk.” Continue reading “With Apologies To My Son, Dan”